
Our team is financed by the (Polish) National Science Center in the frame of SONATA BIS programme.
We work in the field of quantum dipolar droplets -- the unexpected state of ultracold matter that was observed for the first time in 2015. We focus on a one dimensional case with the purpose to study the system using exact many-body models, exact many-body numerics, and simplied theories based on the hydrodynamical approach.

Krzysztof Pawłowski

Principal Investigator
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Victor Pergamenshchik

Visiting Professor

Victor joined the team shortly after the Russian invasion on Ukraine. He works on statistical properties of the classical and semiclassical models of 1D gases.

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Bugra Tuzemen


Bugra Tuzemen received his PhD at Warsaw University of Technology in 2022, for his work on degenerate fermons. He is responsible for computations beyond 1d case.

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Jakub Kopyciński


Jakub received started his PhD in 2020. He mastered mean-field like calculations, based on so called Lieb-Liniger Gross-Pitaevskii equation.

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Maciej Marciniak


Maciek Marciniak started his PhD in 2021. He is specialized in the many-body calculations, using mostly DMRG method.

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Previous group members

Maciej Łebek

Master student
Master thesis

Mateusz Kowalczyk

Master student
Master thesis

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